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Academic Research

I conducted research through the UC Berkeley Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program from 2019-2021 in Britt Koskella's laboratory, studying the ecology and evolution of microbial communities on tomato leaves.

Waste Management Standardization at HM.CLAUSE

In December of 2024, I was recognized with the company-wide "FY24 Environmental Award" for leading a project team in overhauling and updating the waste management system at 3 HM.CLAUSE R&D Stations in Northern California. Throughout this project, I audited and reorganized indoor waste sorting bins, designed, printed, and laminated 200+ indoor signs, coordinated the repainting of 32 industrial outdoor metal collection bins and the installation of 60 metal signs on those bins, and conducted waste sorting trainings and engagement activities for all staff on station. Improvements to the system, as well as trainings and staff engagement, are ongoing.

Sustainability & Environmental Justice at Cal

Creation of the Zero Waste Fellow

I applied for and took the lead on a grant submitted to The Green Initiative Fund to establish this position at UC Berkeley. This position is now housed in and paid for by the Office of Sustainability. I was the first person to fill this position after its creation.

Standardization of Waste Sorting Signage in Residence Halls

I co-wrote a grant submitted to The Green Initiative Fund to redesign, print, and install 3,000 new standardized waste sorting signs to improve waste sorting in on-campus residence halls.

Cal Move Out

​In 2020, I directed campus-wide communication efforts about moving out safely and sustainably. I wrote an article for the Daily Cal, maintained the Cal Move Out website, and developed resources for students. In 2021, I directed an in-person program called "Cooperative Reuse" where 200,000 pounds of used furniture, mattresses, and other household appliances were diverted from landfill and redistributed among the community for free.

Fossil Fuel Divestment Letter Writing

As a member of Fossil Free Cal, I participated in a letter-writing campaign to the Chief Financial Officer of the University of California System requesting divestment from fossil fuels. In Fall of 2019, UC Berkeley fully divested from fossil fuels - followed by the entire UC System's decision to divest in Spring of 2020.

Founding the Zero Waste Coalition & Zero Waste Lab

I co-founded and chaired UC Berkeley's Zero Waste Coalition, which connects waste-related student organizations, departments, and administrators on campus. I also founded a Zero Waste Lab of 100+ undergraduate students conducting research on waste-related topics.

UN Panel on "Green Nudges" in Higher Education

I contributed to the UN's "Little Book of Green Nudges" and spoke on a panel at the Times Higher Education Virtual World Academic Summit about sustainability at UC Berkeley.

Single Use Plastic Elimination by 2030

As the Zero Waste Fellow and a member of the UC Berkeley Zero Waste Working Group, I spearheaded research and development of a roadmap to ensure compliance with UC Berkeley's newly adopted policy to eliminate single use plastic by 2030. I collaborated with the Director of Cal Zero Waste, the Director of Sustainability, student staff across campus, as well as students in the Zero Waste Lab, to build out this detailed policy roadmap.

Ocean Friendly Restaurants

With the Ocean Society of Berkeley and Surfrider's Berkeley Chapter, I helped to develop a program to certify restaurants as "Ocean Friendly" by meeting energy & water savings goals and reducing single-use plastic usage. I helped to train over 50 students on auditing businesses and establishing professional relationships with business owners.

DEI Within Cal Triathlon

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Cal Triversity Initiative

As President of the Cal Triathlon team, I supported three senior athletes in developing the Cal Triversity Initiative to encourage and support the involvement of historically underrepresented and disadvantaged groups within our team and the broader UC Berkeley multisport community. 

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Miles for Change Challenge

Also as President, I spearheaded the Miles for Change Challenge: a community-wide training challenge hosted by our team to raise awareness and support for causes of diversity, justice, and inclusion. Our board encouraged our team members to challenge themselves by biking 100 miles or 29,000 ft of elevation gain and raising money to be donated afterward. Our mantra: we believe that we have the greatest responsibility to enact change in the spheres where we hold the greatest influence.

Sourdough Baking

In fall of 2023, I traveled to Alaska to visit a great friend who gifted me some of her hearty Alaskan sourdough starter. Since then, I have been honing my baking skills on sourdough loaves, pancakes, muffins, banana/pumpkin breads and more. It's amazing to be using the power of microbes outside of the lab, in a way that can be shared among my community.


Community Gatherings &
Shared Food

Fall of 2021 through Spring of 2023 I lived with housemates that greatly enjoyed hosting our community for large shared meals. As a collective, we frequently cooked paella or pizza in our makeshift outdoor kitchen for family and friends. These shared meals often commemorated a special occasion like birthdays, but were also common on any given weekend. 


University of California on Strike

In November of 2022, I participated in the largest academic strike on record. Walking the picket line at UC Berkeley while 48,000 UAW members across the UC System were striking, was a very powerful moment for me. This experience broadened my understanding of collective organizing and social collaboration. 

Science Fair Projects


Wood vs. Gas Burning Fireplace Emissions

As a freshman and sophomore in high school, I conducted two sequential experiments examining the CO2 emissions of wood-burning and gas-burning fireplaces. My study showed that wood-burning fireplaces not only produce toxic particulate matter, but up to 4x more CO2 than gas burning fireplaces.


Methane Capture via Anaerobic Digestion

As a junior, I conducted a feasibility study on the implementation of a residential food waste collection system that subsequently produces methane through an industrial anaerobic digester. I hoped to show Salt Lake City officials that residential collection, in addition to industrial collection, would hugely benefit the Salt Lake Valley. I went on to intern for an anaerobic digestion company in Salt Lake 2.5 years later.


Radon Exposure and Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes

As a senior, I measured Radon levels in households occupied by at least one person who had developed Type 1 Diabetes while living there. I conducted a statistical analysis of the results to find that over 75% of people who had been diagnosed with T1D were living in homes with a level of Radon that is considered by the EPA to be hazardous. This project was entered into the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

*Recognition with special awards from: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Arizona State University Walton Sustainability Department, the Air and Waste Management Association, RICOH, Xmission Internet, the National Center for Women in Science, the National Association of Women Geoscientists, and the Director of the Fair (as a Senior).

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